Saturday, May 24, 2003
Savannah, GA


Being a good tourist, I took the bus tour before lunch, then spent the afternoon walking around on my own. There was a festival on the riverfront - for the Memorial Day weekend I assume - complete with martial music and army recruiters and tricked-out Humvee's on display.

There was a constant flow of monster cargo ships down the river. Not to mention the fake riverboats.

There is a park / square every two blocks in Savannah, and most (21 of the original 24) have been preserved. Each one has at least one big monument I think, and lots of magnolias and live oaks dripping with Spanish moss. The Forrest Gump bench scene was shot on the far side of this statue supposedly.

Just like Charleston, lots of beautifully restored magazine-cover-perfect multi-million dollar homes. For those of you who read "Midnight in the Garden...", this is the Mercer House. Ex-home of Jim Williams, where the murder occurred.

I walked through Forsyth park, and about 10 teams were playing Frisbee football, coed, with team T-shirts, coaches screaming from the sidelines and everything. I struck up a conversation with one of the guys standing on the sideline. He said they've been having these annual "hat" tounaments in Savannah for the last eight years.

Action shot!! Players come from all over the country, put all their names in a hat and choose names to form teams. Everyone plays, healthy competition, but no drunk Frisbee hooligans getting in fistfights and tearing up the stadium. Maybe there's hope for humanity yet!


May 20

May 21

May 23

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