Wednesday, May 21, 2003
Buxton, NC to Indian Beach, NC


The Hatteras lighthouse was just south of my motel. I don't know if you heard or remember, but this is the lighthouse they moved 800 feet inland to protect it from washing away. Amazing. This thing is huge.

Climbed up to the top. The group of buildings in the distance is Buxton. Hey! I can see my motel from here!

This is the actual Cape Hatteras. You can see this dogleg in the Outer Banks on the map. Now you know exactly where I was.

To get from Hatteras Island to Ocracoke Island you have to take a ferry, and then another one from Okracoke to get to the mainland. We're loaded up and pulling away from the dock at Hatteras.

From the Hatteras ferry drove down the length of Ocracoke Island and hung out in picturesque Ocracoke Harbor. They stressed that you had to have reservations for the ferry. I called and called, but the phone was busy. I was beginning to get nervous, but did get that all-important reservation! Whew! Then when we loaded up the ferry was 1/3 empty. Bastards.

The ferry ride was 2 hours and 15 minutes. This is our last view of land. (The Ocracoke lighthouse is in the picture here, but you can't really see it very well. Trust me.) Got off the ferry at Cedar Island and stayed at a campground at Indian Beach (next to Emerald Isle). Set up my new tent for the first time. It works!



May 20

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