Friday, May 23, 2003
Charleston, SC


I guess you noticed I skipped a day. Yesterday I drove from Indian Beach to Georgetown, SC. Spent the afternoon with my Aunt Billie and Uncle Rick in Wilmington, NC, but no pictures. Oops! This morning I drove into Charleston and spent the day there. Just in time for the annual Spoleto Arts Festival. Looks like the opening ceremonies had a Cirque de Soleil theme.

Mostly, I just walked around and looked at the beautiful old magnolia-shaded houses, gardens, churches, and cemetaries. Most of these houses are privately owned and lived in, so I felt like a gawker wandering around the wealthy neighborhood with my guidebook. Comparable to busloads of tourists in Beverly Hills craning to see up the driveways of "Homes of the Stars"?

The walk along the Charleston bay down East Bay Street to the Battery. More amazing houses and gardens which all look like they're ready for their photo shoot for Architectural Digest.

Waterfront Park, also on the Bay. Since it's Friday of Memorial Day weekend and also the Spoleto Festival, the place was packed!! This park was a little off the well-beaten track.

Also the park. It was hot and humid, so I spent some time here cooling off in the breeze from the Bay. Some kids were wading, jumping, splashing in the fountains. Hmmm. THAT would have been a good picture...

St. Philip's Episcopal Church, which is huge. I called around earlier in the day to find a place to stay tonight, and if they're not booked, they're charging three times the normal price. Ouch. Drove on into Savannah tonight (actually Pooler,GA).



May 20

May 21

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