Friday, May 30, 2003
Key West, FL


Spent the day Tuesday driving to Florida City, and then it took most of the day Wednesday to drive down the Keys. Although it's only 130 miles or so, lots of traffic and low speed limits took their toll. It's off season now, but I was surprised by how expensive hotels were. But, I found this great bed and breakfast.

The pool. Pretty sweet, huh? They serve breakfast here in the morning. I can usually strike up a conversation with fellow travellers and exchange tips on restaurants, things to do, etc.

The big tourist thing in Key West is to go down to Mallory Square in Old Town and watch the sun set. Mallory Square is the center of the tourist area - where the cruise ships drop off the day-trippers. Back on the boat for dinner!

While we line up on the dock and patiently wait for the sun to set, there are various street performers to entertain - music, jugglers, magic acts, animal acts, and what have I forgotten...?

Well, here are a couple of Caribbean-style musicians to set the appropriate mood.

...and here's what we're all waiting for: the sun going down behind Sunset Key.


May 23

May 24

May 26

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