Saturday, May 31, 2003
Key West, FL


Each morning after breakfast by the pool, I head for the beach. (These are the sacrifices I make for you, my virtual travel-mates...) This is my idea of a perfect beach: shade.

Why? I'll tell you why. This place is HOT!! How hot? I've reverted to my southern accent because talking too fast makes me sweat. I'm actually looking forward to the cooler and less humid climate up north in Louisiana!! Yes, this is as far south as you can go without a passport.

One of the places I enjoyed sweating was the Ernest Hemingway house. When I think of Key West I think of Papa Hemingway (or Jimmy Buffet) drinking beer and trolling for marlin. Here's his office. By the way, no air conditioning - they have to keep it authentic.

Hemingway had about a dozen cats. Now there are about 50. When they die they go to the kitty graveyard.

The house is a New Orleans style, with the ironwork railings and balconies and tall windows to let in the breeze. Across the street is the Key West lighthouse.

Oh well, tomorrow back to the beach. (woohoo!!)


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May 30

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